I have a couple of programming projects which are a great way to get started learning about multiagent systems and would look great in your resume. Note that these are not paid positions, but you could get credit for them as a directed study if you want. Graduate students might also be interested as a way to get a flavor of what we do.
- I am writing a multiagent systems' textbook which includes a lot of sample programs written in NetLogo. I already have a some programs but I need a bunch more. If you are interested in writing some, let me know. NetLogo is easy to learn and tons of fun to use. It is an agent-based modeling language that can be used in a surprinsingly large set of domain areas such as physics, economics, sociology, chemistry, biology, and many others.
- I am interested in developing an Ajax social bookmarking application for academic publications, like citeulike but with support for ontologies and automated recommendations.
- I am also interested in developing an Ajax system for distributed combinatorial auctions using some of the algorithms we have developed--available from my list of publications.